About us

Maison Wiloh

a West Island life oasis home

Our story

When a group of parents of young adults with special needs (intellectual disabilities and/or autism) met during a workshop organized by WIAIH (West Island Association of the Intellectually Handicapped) to discuss housing options, they were very disappointed by the lack of choices.

As responsible parents, they seek to identify who shall care for their adult children when they are no longer able to do so.

Not willing to wait for an emergency to arise, these parents decide to take matters into their own hands. They come together, agreeing to develop their own community-oriented living residence.

Our project

Maison WILOH project aims at providing a solid alternative to families in search of a good home for their neurodivergent adults, for an uplifting and rewarding life. These individuals with special needs are dependent for their housing and require supervisory support in primary and therapeutic care

The project’s Mission and ambition is to permanently host nearly 30 individuals.

Our residents

Individuals who are neurodivergent, with mild to severe intellectual disabilities (ID), with or without autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Our mission

Create a safe and stable long-term housing community that is inclusive and nurturing, enabling residents to reach their fullest potential for a long and healthy life.
Understand the complexity of the varying and diverse overall needs of the residents and provide care and support with respect and dignity, in an environment that supports self-actualization.
Optimize the use of technology and innovation to facilitate the delivery of care and ensure the safety of each resident.

Our vision

To become a model of permanent housing for neurodivergent individuals in Montreal’s West Island, where caregivers coordinate with families and social services, ensuring a respectful, stable, enriching, safe and permanent living environment.

Our values

Respect, integrity, transparency, inclusiveness and equality

Safety, adaptability and flexibility

Family and community centric

Innovation and sustainability

Aiming at nurturing and compassionate care

Nos goals

The founders’ objective is to serve a clientele with a large spectrum of needs and abilities while:
  • Allowing from “low” monitoring to “24/7” oversight.
  • Number of 24-32 units, based on optimal cost modeling assessment.
  • Feature a unique service for short term stay (Respite Service).
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It is the wish of the people developing this project that residents be provided with a stay, unlimited in time, and until they are no longer able to obtain appropriate care from the services provided by Maison WILOH.

Our residents

This project is based on the identified needs amongst our group, which is generally representative of the “client population” in search of such services.

Establishing the requirements for an “adapted home” stems from the diversity of needs of the clientele. It shall therefore be defined based on a multitude of human abilities and not on the gradation of a single specific skill. It shall be based on the premises of inclusiveness.

The “spectrum” of those needs for our project shall be wide, even if not practical to expect that all possible needs be met.

Our target customers:
  • People with an intellectual disability and or autism with limited independence.
  • People aged 21 and over, with no upper age stipulated limit as it is based on the client’s needs.
  • People who meet certain criteria related to the individual’s ability to adapt to life at the residence. Criteria are to be defined by the Maison WILOH organization.
Residents will need to:
  • Have sufficient mobility as to attend group meals, social and personal activities.
  • Attend daily activities such as school, normal or adapted work, day center.
  • Be able to use public transport or any type of adapted transport.

Our home

The integral concept of Maison WILOH is to provide 3 main types of residences:

Type 1
For sufficiently autonomous people requiring minimal supervision and support.

Studio style apartment units with access to main common areas.

Type 2
For people requiring supervision and structured support.

Simple apartment unit with private bedrooms with access to main common areas.

Type 3
For people requiring individual supervision and structuring.

Private Room with access to common areas meant for smaller groups.

  • The home shall offer Respite rooms, with bathroom and direct access to the common living/dining areas.
  • Meant for temporary rental of up to 2 consecutive weeks.
Special activity areas
  • Workshop area
  • Greenhouse
Living space
  • Dining room, Living rooms, Exercise rooms
  • Outside patio/terrasse/BBQ (may be rooftop located)
Utility spaces
  • Kitchen
  • Manager and care worker office/rest areas
  • Medication room
  • Storage area
  • Elevator

Picture by William Ting, young autistic photographer

Legal structure

The Maison WILOH residence shall be:

Board of directors

All Maison WILOH board members are volunteers.

Jacques Lapierre


Gary Panton


Barbara Morawski


Louise Beaudry


Sofia Ioannou


Pictures by William Ting, young autistic photographer

To reach the board of director, please email us at info@maisonwiloh.org